Wednesday, April 22

dude, where's my me?

I don't really know. Sorry I haven't been posting. New York and shit. It's going to be a very visual summer. Working for Petah Coyne, visiting galleries and museums in the city, creating a portfolio for grad school since art school has been calling to me from beyond the grave, telling me I'll regret it forever if I don't go. The thing about New York City is that nobody really cares what you do as long as you're doing it well. So I've decided that this summer I'm going to engage in an experiment, because the city is a perfect control group. Basically, I intend to go out in public in full drag, with different personas and different kinds of masculinity, dress, and assumptions. I'm not really sure what the conclusion of this experiment is supposed to be but I'm sure I'll find it out somewhere along the way. Apparently I've become a sculptor while nobody was looking, which is kind of fun. Nash, I have a million things to tell you about fiber arts. Oh yes.

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