Monday, June 2

this guy

so i was bored and looking around port performance website and i thought about how performance art maybe differs from other performance because of the consideration of visual reiments and overall aesthetic quality that can compare more to sculpture or painting than it can set design, costume design, or general conventional theatrics. (yes, i know we have covered this topic extensively) but i am still interested in finding examples of this difference. i think this guy does that. moreover, i think port performance stuff does that too or, at least, that seemed to be the case for the students who participated in the berlin show last year. anyhow, i think this is good to look at, and for me, a way to continue to explore how performance can be all sorts of things, and that it doesnt have to remain in the realm of, or reaction to, conventional theatre. if you are bored or wanna look at stuff, look at this and tell me what you think. love you babies!

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