Saturday, March 22

spring break

so this is the things i want to do over break: upload videos from class think about next art event/show/thing look at some stuff we might want to read or look at, etc. in terms video, movement, theory, artists, etc. have an art sketch book get together to work on 2d or collaborative or crafts or make out. find a unicorn bake some pies or cakes make my philosophy on life concise and communicable stop trying to be so trendy and explore the merits of longevity in my actions if you wanna do these things with me or want to add, lemme know!


nash bryant said...

i wanna go camping with beers and bears and you guys. and yes jesica, we can all still make out.

Lauren said...

So if you guys want I can upload some chapters from the performance reader, or we can work individually on finding articles/ interesting artists. I'd kind of like to just focus on artists for the rest of the mod, write more short papers on them, show each other their work.

Also, sketchbook party! I am looking forward to this more than is actually necessary. Avocado milkshakes!
